A Home for Novels and Short Stories

Short Story Saturday: My Spiritual Codependence

Short Story Saturday: My Spiritual Codependence - Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled My Spiritual Codependence. Please enjoy.

She appears to me at the most inopportune moments. When I’m at the gym, when I’m driving, when I’m at work, even when I’m in the throes of passion with a woman. She doesn’t care. She’ll appear out of nowhere to interrupt whatever it is I am doing to tell me what is on her mind.

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Short Story Saturday: It’s a Doggie Dog World

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled It’s a Doggie Dog World. I apologize for the short length. Please enjoy.

Short Story Saturday: It's a Doggie Dog World - Photo by Adobe Stock
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

The muffle flashed. The bullet went through her left shoulder narrowly missing bone.

She fell to the floor in pain. Slipping in her blood as she reached for the handle of the oven to lift herself to her feet, the woman took a look at the face of her would-be assassin. Her heart sank.

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Short Story Saturday: An Artist’s Passion

Short Story Saturday: An Artist's Passion - Photo by JTMultimidia from Pexels
Photo by JTMultimidia from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled An Artist’s Passion. Please enjoy.

“You don’t understand, Dad, art is my life!” the son screamed.

“I understand more about life than you’ll ever know!” was his father’s retort.

A chair flew across the kitchen floor as the son rose abruptly from the kitchen table. He ignored the yells of his father and the pleading cries of his mother as he stormed into his room. This was the aftermath of yet another argument between the father and son over the boy’s grades.

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Short Story Saturday: Please Call Me Daddy

Short Story Saturday: Please Call Me Daddy - Photo by Eric Michael on Unsplash
Photo by Eric Michael on Unsplash

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled Please Call Me Daddy. Please enjoy.

“Looking for a good time?” He wasn’t really. All he wanted to do was rest his head for the night. When he booked the hotel room online, he knew he wasn’t making reservations at a four-star resort. The myriad of reviews that gave it one star made that quite clear. However, he still didn’t expect to hear those clichéd words or encounter someone like her during his vacation. This certainly wasn’t part of the brochure, the man thought to himself. He supposed it was one of the unadvertised surprise perks.

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Short Story Saturday: The Tower

Short Story Saturday: The Tower - Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled The Tower. Please enjoy.

A pair of adventurers approached an oblong, white-bricked tower. The two had journeyed from afar and had overcome many perils to arrive that day. What Arthur sought awaited him at the top of the tower. Dangling around his neck was the most valuable thing in the world to him, a silver locket given to him by his queen. He looked over to his wizard friend and heaved a deep sigh. Initially, he did not wish to anyone along on this journey. The man acquiesced, though, when Merlin told him that entrance into the tower was impossible without his assistance.

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Short Story Saturday: The Price of Victory

Short Story Saturday: The Price of Victory - Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
as unPhoto by Pixabay from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled The Price of Victory. Loosely inspired by this prompt: https://www.writersdigest.com/prompts/soccer-threat. Please enjoy.

It was an insult. A travesty. An outrage. To do such a thing to the world’s greatest goalkeeper, Juan Carlos Gabriel Martinez was unforgivable. They were bluffing. They must have been. The very gall, the very cheek of merely threatening to conduct such a heinous crime against an unparalleled star was a slap in the face. To actually go through with it was inconceivable.

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Short Story Saturday: The Leggy Mistress of The Waterfall

Short Story Saturday: The Leggy Mistress of The Waterfall - Photo by hazan aköz ışık from Pexels
Photo by hazan aköz ışık from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled The Leggy Mistress of the Waterfall. Please enjoy.

He didn’t go there looking for love. Rather, he was only there for a stiff drink after a hard day’s work at the Northwest Logging Company. The Waterfall Bar wasn’t even his usual haunt. Never before had he been somewhere that emanated refinement and class. Firefly lights practically danced from above brightening the otherwise dark, smoky atmosphere reminiscent of a cigar lounge. Fittingly, classical music wafted in the air setting an almost melancholy yet comfortable mood. It was certainly a far cry from what demarcated his typical drinking establishment with its flickering fluorescent lights and heavy metal and rap blaring oppressively. At least, that was the kind of music that typically played until he and his friends arrived.

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Short Story Saturday: The Fly Ball That Didn’t Come Back Down

Short Story Saturday: The Fly Ball That Didn't Come Back Down - Photo via <a href="https://www.goodfreephotos.com/">Good Free Photos</a>
Photo via Good Free Photos

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled The Fly Ball That Didn’t Come Back Down. Please enjoy.

An amazing thing happened on August 24, 2019. A fly ball was hit into the air and didn’t fall back down.

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Short Story Saturday: A Silly Blog Post

Short Story Saturday: A Silly Blog Post - Photo by Rachel Xiao from Pexels
Photo by Rachel Xiao from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled A Silly Blog Post. Please enjoy.

I just wanted to entertain people. I never expected a blatantly farcical blog post to somehow get a life of its own. It was never supposed to be taken seriously. I was frustrated with the team and wanted to write something silly to blow off some steam.

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Short Story Saturday: An Anonymous Letter

Short Story Saturday: An Anonymous Letter - Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels
Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels

Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled An Anonymous Letter. Inspired loosely by https://www.writersdigest.com/prompts/the-hate-note. Please enjoy.

“I think you’ll like what’s inside,” the auburn-haired man said as he handed a beaten envelope to a crossed-armed and glowering man. Both were standing in front of the latter’s fancy two-story abode. “Been sittin’ in my pocket since this mornin’. That’s why it’s all messed up and stuff. Meant ta give it to ya earlier but I forgot. Sorry about that Corny.”

“It’s Cornelius,” the clean-shaven blond man replied as he removed one arm from his chest to take the envelope from his neighbor’s hand, “I await its contents with breathless anticipation, Timothy.”

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