Hello everyone! As part of Short Story Saturday, I have posted another short story, this one entitled Dream Girl. Please enjoy. I am currently listed at #16 on feedspot’s Top 20 Short Story Blog page. Please check it out. Also, if you haven’t already checked out my FAQ on my upcoming book, Magic Once Removed, please check that out as well. Thanks again!
“I dreamt of her again,” Mark said.
“Jesus, really?” Stan replied.
Mark proceeded to tell his best friend about his latest dream. It once again featured a young petite Asian woman with auburn eyes and thick jet-black hair wrapped into a ponytail. He was also sure to add her thick black-rimmed glasses every time he mentioned her. He was really into that for some reason. Then he, as always, proceeded to describe in vivid detail how he’d kiss those thick pink lips before the two of them went much further. Dirk always stopped him before he could say more.