The Writer Jerk Podcast

The Writer Jerk Podcast Logo
The Writer Jerk Podcast Logo

Hey! Check out this test podcast episode I made called The Writer Jerk:

The basic theme of The Writer Jerk Podcast is any and all topics tangentially related to writing. Whether the medium is novels, short stories, movies, television shows, comic books, and even video games, if it has a story, I will want to talk about it. I’m planning to make this a mostly family-friendly show that has something for anyone that has even the smallest interest in writing.

Just to give you a bit of a preview, the next two episodes will be a brief discussion of my first two novels, Ghosts are Assholes and Magic Once Removed. There won’t be any spoilers, naturally, but it will provide a bit of an inside look. That is where a cohost could help as he or would be able to provide questions that I did not consider. Afterward, I plan to branch out into different topics including a discussion of witches and witchcraft and how they’ve been historically used in storytelling, an analysis of an essay, and how its lessons are applied to the critiques of fiction today, and a deep dive into a short story. There are a couple of movies I’d like to take a deeper look at as well along with a music video that I feel was deeply symbolic and worthy of further discussion.

I’m very curious about what everyone thinks of it, whether it be content, audio quality, whether you’d listen, or even think this is a good idea at all! Any feedback would be appreciated. Like I said in the episode, please feel to dm me if you want to be a cohost but even if you don’t, I’ll probably continue this because they are fun to make and are a good outlet for my thoughts. Thanks in advance!

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